Friday, February 19, 2010

Say They Eat A Lot If People Say You're Body Will Gain Weight If You Eat Less Than 1200kcal A Day, Why Are Anorexics Skinny?

If people say you're body will gain weight if you eat less than 1200kcal a day, why are anorexics skinny? - say they eat a lot

I do not understand why people always say that if you eat less than one days you are 1200kcal body stores fat and weight gain.
I understand the concept, if you may have started to eat more but eat less than 800kcal per day, and anorexics are usually thin stick, so I do not stop saying what they say in contradiction to what the men.
Can someone help me here?


Jonas Addict <3 said...

because this is not true. say that they eat less than your body into starvation mode, but I lost 15 pounds so far 900 meals per day, now I cut increased to 600. It is bad for you, but does not work.

Simone L said...

There are easy ways to lose weight besides diet and exercise. You can supplement that is flush your colon, you could lose up to twenty pounds in this way - and the weight is achieved by saving areas! This is a test without risk

Account Closed said...

They are wrong. The WHO uses 2,400 calories per day as a Nutrition Unit standard - which as a food that the average person can get the body weight. Eating only 1200 calories per day leads to weight loss.

megan d said...

Who said that? Never heard people say that they weight on 1200 calories per day. Perhaps if you have absolutely nothing to burn calories, but other than that ...

Kate said...

They lose weight. But if you dare to eat a lot more normal, go back to more

★Itzel★ said...

Which are thin, since the right to vomit after eating, so that your body is not really anything in the store. I hope that helps

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